Salmon Recipes
We’ve collected a handful of our favorite recipes featuring salmon. These generic salmon recipes are perfect for all the varieties we carry (Sockeye, Coho, King & Atlantic), but you’ll need to adjust cooking times and added cooking oil for each unique...
The Wild Alaskan Seafood Industry
Alaska produces more than 60% of the nation’s commercial fisheries – a vast array of seafood, including all five species of Pacific Salmon, four species of Crab, Pacific Cod, various types of Groundfish, Shrimp, Herring, Sablefish (Black Cod), Pollock, and Pacific...
Sushi at Seafoods of the World
There’s nothing like homemade sushi, but it is important to be sure that you are buying quality, sushi-grade seafood. Failing to distinguish between safe and unsafe seafood will not only ruin your meal, but increases your risk for foodborne illness. At Seafoods...